'Law and the Theatre: an early modern dialogue?' - Dr Subha Mukherji

Duration: 1 hour 1 min
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Description: Lecture given at the Fitzwilliam College Reunion weekend, Saturday 24 September 2016.
Created: 2016-10-05 16:09
Collection: Fitzwilliam College lectures
Publisher: Fitzwilliam College
Copyright: Fitzwilliam College
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Law; Theatre; Shakespeare; Renaissance; England;
Author:  Dr Subha Mukherji
Abstract: Why were early modern playwrights - Shakespeare and Co. - so obsessed with legal problems and trial scenes? What did the theatre and the law share as institutions and cultural practices, and what were their crucial differences? This talk will offer a glimpse of both the physical overlap between the literary (especially dramatic) and legal cultures in Renaissance England, and the theoretical interrelation that formed the core of this dialogue.
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